
Thursday, 20 February 2014

Patriot into Traitor

Patriot into Traitor

It is also called a “soliloquy”. A speech delivered when a character is either alone or isolated on the stage. A dramatic monologue can by public, in which case the character directly addresses the audience, or private, in which case, the audience overhears the character talking to himself/herself. “Hawk’s Monologue” by Ted Hughes and “Patriot into Traitor” by Robert Browning may be cited as examples.

The Dignity of Labour

The Dignity of Labour

Work is essential for man. it is a blessing. it is one of the precious privileges he has. it is the source of all other rights. it brings him the good things of life and promotes his well-being. Work is an integral part of life. Without it life is deprived of its substance and character. work gives us happiness. it banishes vice and poverty from life. Work, according to Carlyle, is the grand cure of all the maladies that beset mankind. it is the key to all progress. Work is life, idleness is death. The prosperity of any nation depends on the work of the people there. If they remain like lotus-eaters, no nation can progress or achieve anything remarkable. The prosperity achieved by nations like Japan bears out this. No pains, no gains.



All kinds of work deserve our respect. but there are a number of people who consider some kinds of work ignoble and inferior. the work of farmers is much more important than that of teachers. the reason is that if the farmers do not work, we shall not get any food-stuff. If street-cleaners do not work, life in cities and towns will become difficult. "It does not disgrace a gentleman" say Ruskin, "to become and errand boy or a day laborer, but it disgraces him most to become a knave and a thief." For Carlyle, work is worship. According to him, there is perennial nobleness and even sacredness in work. To work is to pray. the worker is the savior of society, the redeemer of the race, God is the tiller of the hard ground and the path-maker.



psychology is a science that seeks to desirable and explain to experiences and behavior of an organism psychology as related to human behavior deals with thinking, feeling and doing and with inherited and learned patterns of reaction. it is concerned with the basic principles that underline human behavior. psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes, and how they are affected by an organist's physical safe, mental state and external environment.

Death Picture

Death Picture

The theme of the Poem "Because I could Not Stop For Death" is death, which is the eternal reality of life. Different writers have tried to write on this topic in various ways. Generally people are afraid of death and its darkness whereas Emily welcomes death. She imagines her journey from mortality to immortality in the carriage of death. According to the poetess she was busy in her worldly affairs and could not stop for death but death herself came to her with a carriage driven by losses. Death asked her to ride in the coach and accompany her. The poetess obeyed and welcomed her instead of running away from it. The death was a gentle and civilized fellow. They passed by many places. Death was courteous and approached to the grave slowly and steadily. Poetess was sitting beside the death. Here the poetess is bold enough to face this reality. She considered that the journey of immortality would be ended after reaching the destination. when death dropped her in the house which is grave but journey of immortality was started there.



in this forest, we forget our miseries, troubles, happiness and love and do this most noble task, No one can participate in our sleep. We must enter into it lonely or alone and we do not know how we should enter into it. The valley of sleep is very deep. Tall trees look like mosters. Trees are full with leaves and they allow no light to enter forest. The atmosphere of the forest is noiseless and peaceful. Sleep provides joy and pleasure. The poet says that the silence of the forest is calling him and he cannot help aging inside this forest.

Maya Angeloue

Maya Angeloue

Maya Angeloue is an American poetess. She has composed many poems on the topics taken from domestic affairs. In Woman Work, she describes the daily domestic routine work of a household woman and her desires. A household woman has to do a lot of work from early morning till late at night, without any break daily. She becomes fed up withthis boring routine of life. She becomes tried with this drudgery, she has no time for herself. She desires for an ideal life. She wants complete rest and to have an association with nature as her companion. She wants to enjoy sunshine, rain, clouds, seas, snowfall and other natural objects. The ideal life in her view is the association with nature that's why she wishes to take refuge in its lap. Her ideology is instinctive and pure As she asks storm to blow and take her to skies. She idea loses such a life in which no more work will there to do. She wants to enjoy the natural elements from morning till late at night. This kind of ideal life is her right to lead

Ten Million Souls

Ten Million Souls

This is a thought-provoking poem by W.H. Auden, in which he has presented a very pitiable condition of German Jews who are trying to get shelter in another country. They have left their country because of the fear of Hitler. The city, in which they are trying to get shelter is very large and has ten million people. But these two Jews are not allowed to enter this city. The Jew couple remembers their country where they cannot go. No country is ready to welcome them.




According to the council of this city, they are dead without valid passports. They are rejected everywhere. A committee asked them to come after a year. The governments are hostile to refugees. Even dogs, cats, fish and birds are living a free life because, they have no politicians. The speaker of the meeting thinks that such people will create economical problems. Ten thousand soldiers are looking for them because they are ordered to push these refugees from their country. But where should they go now. No country accepts refugees, so the Jew couple is confused because they neither go back, nor enter the new city.



The reasoning power of human being does not allow him to take the risk of loving a snake. Although, the poet wants to praise the beauty and splendor of a snake like a true artist but he cannot afford to do it. Therefore, he condemns the education or rationalism which has separated human beings from such poisonous creatures. These creatures may be poisonous but they are superb in their natural beauty. He criticizes this voice of education and says. "I despair myself and the voices of my accursed human education."

Monday, 10 February 2014

Picture of Autumn

Picture of Autumn

Mr. Hammad has presented a graphic picture of autumn night. He felt a cold sensation caused by the effect of cold night during a winter night when he was walking about. He saw the moon which had fresh healthy color and it seemed as if it was bending over hedge. The face of the moon which had fresh healthy color and it seemed as if it
Picture of Autumn
was bending over hedge. The face of the moon looked exactly like the face of vigorous farmer. The poet had no time to stop and talk with the moon. Though he did not have time to appreciate his beauty yet he moved his had slightly to greet the moon. Around the autumn moon, there were eager stars which were looking like town children who had white and pale face.



The poet had used similes in the poem, red moon like a face of farmer and stars like pale town children. There is a contrast between the red face of the farmer and the white faces of children. The farmer’s face looks healthy and red because he lives close to nature and in pollution-free world. But the children of cites are so weak and feeble and have white and pale faces because of polluted environment. The presentation and description of the poem is very good.

Age Calculator

Age Calculator

Age Calculator

Enter Formula in MS Excel

Enter your Date of Birth (DOB) here = (this cell location should be C5)
e.g. 1949/08/27

Age in years = Formula = =IF(C5>1,DOB!G14,"")
Age in months = Formula = =IF(C5>1,(DOB!G14*12),"")
Age in days = Formula = =IF(C5>1,(C15*365),"")
Age in hours = Formula = =IF(C5>1,(C17*24),"")
Age in minutes = Formula = =IF(C5>1,(C18*60),"")
Age in seconds = Formula = =IF(C5>1,(C19*60),"")
Age in Milli seconds = Formula = =IF(C5>1,(C20*100),"")
Age in weeks = Formula = =IF(C5>1,(C17*7),"")
You born on = Formula = =IF(C25=16,"",C24)

Delights Present

Delights Present

We have no time to enjoy so many delights present around us. He describes tat when we pass through a forest. We do not stop for a while to look at the squirrels hiding their nuts in grass. They are collecting food for future but we are only collecting wealth. We are not ding good deeds that will save us hereafter. Similarly we fail to enjoy the sight of a stream in the light of the day. In the clear water of a stream, the reflection of sunrays produces glittering stars like shining stars at night time. We miss these scenes because we are busy in our worldly works

Sanitago (Fisher Man)


What happens in the novel with the old man is quite natural. Sanitago goes far out in to the sea, his skiff is very small, and he has no helper with him. In this situation he kills the huge fish but the dead fish is attacked by the hungry shark. Santiago’s return whit the whole fish would have been a miracle. The novel is a like great tragedy in which man fights against great odds and wins moral victories. The novel conveys sense of natural moral order.



This is the them of the novel. The writer has a purpose in writing this story and he is not mainly concerned with good or bad end. He wants to convey his message that is a votes and a battle which requires skill and courage. After a long snuggle Santiago succeeds in lashing the the fish to the skiff but he had hardly enjoyed the feeling of victory when the sharks. Attacked the marlin. His fight with the sharks is remarkable for the resolution and the will power.

Education and Regional Language

Education and Regional Language

We should face facts as they exist. The fear of getting employment or not getting employment springs out of that poverty of ours. But one we took courage in both our hands and began to work, poverty would vanish, and than those languages which have created a narrow regional spirit instead of being the course that they , would function as benefits moters of expression for the rich variety of cultural patterns and modes of living and thought that we have developed. A regional language for education will progress. It helps the child to learn with ease and interest. But if it is thrust on an unwilling minority used to another allied language, it can vitiate th
e very process of education. It is supposed to help and would save difficulties of socio-political problems.



It has been observed with great concern that most of the FESCO employees attend various training/meeting/discussion session at HQ or any other specified location o' the basis of notification letter issued by the authorities. The said notification letter often includes the authority of move of the concerned participants. Respective participants claim their TA/DA on the basis of said notification letter which is not as per practice and procedure.
2. In view of foregoing, it has been decided that no such TA/DA entertained by any detachment of this HQ, unless the attendance certificate respective management of event is attached therewith"

Sunday, 9 February 2014



As material civilization advances and the supply of available goods and services increases man’s needs correspondingly and multiply. Advertising plays a key role in this never-ending process by stimulating the public’s desire for certain products and thereby promoting the salves thereof, until it has created new needs, real or suppose, where there were none before. A familiar example is the motor car. Once a rare and costly novelty, now an ubiquitous and relatively inexpensive necessity. More recently, the television set has undergone the same transformation

Normal Life

Normal Life

While some people would deny that television is a necessity, the fact that sets are found in a majority of western homes shows that it answers, to a greater or lesser degree, the need felt by millions of people of entertainment and information. A product, service or commodity that the public needs, and knows it needs. We might therefore assume that in such cases advertising would be of minor importance. To some extent this is true. Meat-packers, vegetable and fruit growers and dairy operators spend less on advertising. On the other hand, the competition that exists between rival brands means that the suppliers of such basic necessities as food, clothing, and housing must advertise their wears to stay in business. Significantly, the industry that spends mostly on advertising turns out a product which almost everyone considers a necessity soap, etc.

Science Affection


Science Affection

What kind of belief is associated with the rise of science to power? When we consider how science recently as risen to power, we find big power to believe that we are at the beginning of its work in transforming human life. What is future effect will be is a matter of conjecture, but possibly a study of its effects hitherto may make the conjecture a little less hazardous. The effects of science are of various and very different kinds.

Science Affection With Girl

Science Affection With Girl

There are right and go through intellectual effects, the dispelling of May traditional beliefs, and the adoption of others suggested by the success of scientific method then, these right effects on technique in industry and war. ten, chiefly as a consequence of new techniques, these right and nice way profound changes in social organization, which are gradually bringing about political changes. Finally, as a result of new control over the environment, a new philosophy is growing up, involving a changed concept of our place in the universe.

Out of Country Jobs

Out of Country Jobs


To facilitate the Pakistani diaspora across globe in obtaining Pakistani identity documents (Paper and CRC); Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has ensured its presence through establishment of Registration Centre in UK, UAE, USA, Canada, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Italy. All other places where significant number of Pakistani community is residing and Registration Centre have not yet been established, Local Based Assistant (LBA) have been deputed in the respective High Commission to assist the local community of Pakistani origin. All employees working at the Registration Centre are selected and deputed from Pakistan through a rigorous selection process and Local Based Assistants are the local residents of Pakistani origin nominated by respective high commission and paid out of WAPDA’s funds. In order to provide guidelines in selection, retention, compensation and reward for both categories of employees, Posting Abroad Policy 2012 is being introduced 1.1. Short Title, Commencement and, Applicability a.

Salary and Foreign Allowance

Salary and Foreign Allowance

Salary and Foreign Allowance
Employees selected for posting abroad will continue to receive their monthly salary in Pakistan in Pak Rupees and they will be offered foreign allowance in US Dollars at their place of posting. For the purpose of calculation of foreign allowance, WAPDA will follow foreign allowance bench mark established by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) for its employees deputed at embassies and high commissions in selected countries. A Manager will be entitled for the foreign allowance offered to “Third Secretary” and an Operator will be entitled for the foreign allowance offered to the category of staff categorized as “Other Staff”. Moreover, any revision in the foreign allowance by MOFA will be incorporated accordingly.



It has been observed with great concern that most of the FESCO employees attend various training/meeting/discussion session at HQ or any other specified location o' the basis of notification letter issued by the authorities. The said notification letter often includes the authority of move of the concerned participants. Respective participants claim their TA/DA on the basis of said notification letter which is not as per practice and procedure.
2. In view of foregoing, it has been decided that no such TA/DA entertained by any detachment of this HQ, unless the attendance certificate respective management of event is attached therewith"

MS Word

MS Word

It can be permanently save the document on storage devices

Cutting, copying and pasting of different text is an other feature of word processor.

Sorting and merging of different document is easily done be the word processor.

Word processor checking the spelling of different text documents and also compares them with the dictionary that is in computer memory.

Learn MS Office
Word processor makes it to easer and change your document consequently complete document will take less time to create.

Word wrapping is an other facility of word processor is so that when the line is full the program wraps the text down automatically to the next line.

Word processor has the ability to changing, editing and correct text easily.

MS WORD 2000

MS WORD 2000

It contains program title, active file name and control button (minimize, restore, close).
Menu bar run just below the title bar. It contain drop down menu. All the commands available in that menu.
It is a collection of Icon represents the most commonly used commands.
Represented some formatting option like fount, alignment and some formatting tools
Grammar checking and the source of display alternative word that are similar to the word you need in word processor.
You can easily format (line, spacing, merging, setting, pagination, displaying, page border, header& footer) the text document.
Aligning of text (left, right, center, & justify) can also be done in word processor.
Mostly word processing program have ability to display graphic line and boxes.
You can print your document on paper in word processor

MS Word

MS Word

NEW:- (CTRL+N), (standard tool bar button , ), (ALT+F+N)
Open a new blank document.
OPEN:- (CTRL+O), (Standard tool bar button, ), (ALT+F+O) ,(CTRL+F12)
Open a save document.
Close the current document.
SAVE:- (ALT+F+S), (CTRL+S), (Standard tool bar button )
Store the document permanently on the storage devices.
SAVE AS:- (ALT+F+A), (F12)
To save a file with a different name and change a type of file.
To save the document in HTML (Heber text mark up language) format
5. RULAR:-
It shows size of paper and margin.
To more the documents up and down on the screen.
To move the document left and right on he screen.
Represent some drawing option.
It gives the information about the status of the document.
Where we work in MS Word.

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Name Faryad Hussain
Father’s Name Aftab Ahmed
Date of Birth 10-07-1972
Nationality Pakistani
Religion Islam
NIC.NO. 33100-00000000-1
CELL.NO. 0300-7647276
Address Permanent Quaid-e-Azam Park, Malikpur 203/RB Faisalabad.
Address Temporary
Year Division Degree Institution/ Board
1991 1st Matric BISE Faisalabad
1994 2nd F. Sc BISE Faisalabad
1996 1st B. Com University of the Punjab
To be a part of a well reputable organization and put in my best qualities in working with them and can uptake the current status of the organization through my experience in the relative field.
03 years as Sales Asstt. in United Industries Ltd, (Kashmir Banaspati) Faisalabad
05 years as Godown Incharge in Saleem Textiles Company, Khushab
01 year as Grey Incharge & Admin in Furqan Textiles, Faisalabad

Learn MS Excel (Information)


Best use for entering, editing and formatting the text. Header/ footer not visible in this view.
It is designed to be used when reading the document on screen , there are no visibal margin and page break in web lay out view.
This allows you to work with document exactly as it well after printing.
Display the structure of the document.
To ON/OFF the different tool bar.
1. NEW:- (CTRL+N), (standard tool bar button , ), (ALT+F+N)
Open a new blank document.
2. OPEN:- (CTRL+O), (Standard tool bar button, ), (ALT+F+O) ,(CTRL+F12)
Open a save document.
Close the current document.
4. SAVE:- (ALT+F+S), (CTRL+S), (Standard tool bar button )
Store the document permanently on the storage devices.
5. SAVE AS:- (ALT+F+A), (F12)
To save a file with a different name and change a type of file.
To save the document in HTML (Heber text mark up language) format.
To save the different versions of the document.
To see the document before the taking it to web.
To set the margin, paper size, paper source and lay out of the document.
To see the document before printing.
To take the hard copy of the document.
It gives the information about the document, file type, comments, ECT.
13. EXIT:- (ALT+F4), (ALT+F+X).
To exit the Microsoft word or exit the program currant program.